Becoming 360 Training Blog Success Steps to Create Success as a Life Coach

Success Steps to Create Success as a Life Coach



I met another queen the other week online who is wanting to become a life coach.

She currently works full time and is at the beginning of entering the world of coaching and although she is excited, a lot of what she spoke with me about was struggles of moving into the entrepreneurial world.

Her words took me back to when I first started – of how I felt like a complete impostor and a fraud!

Despite having the necessary accredited qualifications and some practice experience, I felt anxiety and worry that I wasn’t skilled enough and I didn’t know what I was doing.

Actually, I was scared that I wouldn’t be good enough to support the people who availed of my services!  

And I froze in fear!

Just like me back when I first began my coaching business, this queen spoke with me about her fearing of transitioning into a life coaching business.

The impostor in her coming up loudly to shout ‘I don’t know where to start’ ‘Am I even good enough?’‘I don’t know enough’, ‘what if …’!😭

I so remember this space when I first began coaching. 

Have you felt like this?

As an abundance queen mindset coach for other queen coaches, I’ve come to realise that this is actually a really common experience for most people, felt by those who have or are entering the world of coaching.   

I’ve also learned that it is often the thing that can stop you from making your goals of having a successful coaching business a reality.😢

So I wanted to share in this blog today my advice to help you to get started on your life coaching journey and help you to move into success.



1. Be kind to yourself … all too often we put ourselves under immense pressure. Success is a journey of personal and professional growth.  You will constantly be learning, growing and evolving as a coach and as a person – be kind to you and enjoy your journey unfolding.  


2. Practice Visualisation … when we step into something new it is easy to become weighed down by fear.  Become intention in forward pacing your imagination.  Watch yourself in your mind stepping into the future you who is serving people at your highest potential and who owns a successful coaching company – what does your successful coaching business look like to you?.


3. Action, Action, Action … Everyday take one small step forwards.  You don’t need to know everything, just do all you can with where you’re at, with what you have available to you.  The Universe loves an action taker and action is what bridges where you are currently to where you want to be.  The more action you take, the more you neutralise fear and the more you neutralise fear, the more action you will take!. 

4. Focus on your Qualities … You are more amazing than you give yourself credit!.  But focusing on our own qualities isn’t something we often do.  What makes you amazing?  What makes you great at being a coach? We do not become coaches by chance – it is not an accident that becoming a coach is our desire – this is the path you are being called on … what is within you already that makes you an awesome coach? 

5. Join Facebook groups … where other coaches hang out … Being around others on a similar path can give you that emotional support you need and also inspire ideas within you that can spark you into action.   

6. Invest in a coach … A coach who understands the soul & strategy of a life coaching business. Someone who is an expert in helping you with those sneaky self limiting thoughts that are stopping you from taking action, building your business and transforming your life, as well as the lives of others; and also who can help you with start up strategy techniques. 

7. Stand out and Become Accredited.  Be trained by a life coach training provider that gives you both the life coaching theory and also the opportunity to practice what you are learning.  This will help you to feel confident and competent in the service you deliver.  You can find out more our accredited life coach training academy by registering your details here Becoming 360 Soul Aligned Life Coaching Academy 

Which of these tips do you need to implement? 

Let’s create some accountability together in moving you into the action!



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