1:1 Coaching with Lisa or Jo

You want to grow a profitable online business that lights you up and brings in money

You want to work with your ideal queens, clients who need your gifts and appreciate you

You have a BIG vision for you and the business you want to create and you are ready to make this desire a reality

You want a business that flows, feels light and gives you freedom to work how you love to work 

AND you are ready to drop the belief that building a business has to involve hustle and struggle 

You want money to flow in easily and not have to stress or worry about paying yourself
or your suppliers or be attached to your phone 24/7 in work mode and feeling the guilt of not being there for your family.

Instead, you are ready to learn and bring into your business online strategy whilst weaving universal laws throughout 

You are someone who is ready to go ALL IN and fully commit to reaching your highest potential as a female entrepreneur.

You feel excited. But (and here is the but)… 

You are stopping yourself from moving forwards.

Stopping yourself from jumping into this dream business of Life Coaching or as a Holistic Practitioner with both feet, you feel stuck.

You think you are not ready.

You don’t fully know how to get the business started or what you need to do to make this work for you… 

AND you think you are not good enough or don't know enough yet – so, you go and buy another course and register for more free training.

Release the fear.. it’s time to activate your business and wealth through strategy & universal laws.

We offer a number of opportunities to work with either of us on a 1:1 basis to help you launch your business, clear your blocks for money and success and own your Queen energy within your business.

Check out the options below:


1:1 Success Block & Energy Clearing Session: This package is a one off 1:1   success block and energy clearing session designed to help you shift the beliefs and energy that is blocking you creating your success.

1:1 Abundance Queen Business Acceleration Session: This package is a one off 1:1 strategy focused coaching session designed to help you to get clear and create an actionable plan to apply in your business to create your next level of success.

1:1 Abundance Queen Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support: This package is a 12 call package over 6 months designed to help you step into your Abundance Queen energy and create and launch or relaunch your business to your abundant success. Clarity, focus, aligned action with support and acountability.


1:1 Wealth Activation & Abundance Blocks Clearing Session: This package is a one off session specifically designed to target your energy blockages around money and abundance so you can start receiving at a prosperous level.

1:1 Wealth Activation & Income Ceiling Breakthrough Session: This package is a one off session designed to breakthrough your biggest beliefs around yourself, your business and your ability to breakthrough your income ceiling, so you can become unstuck and step into your abundant and beautiful future.

1:1 Wealth Activation & Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support: This package is a 12 call package over 6 months designed to help you activate your wealth and success codes and launch or relaunch your business to your abundant success. Clarity, focus, aligned action with support and acountability. 

So much love

1 Module

The Ultimate Money Manifesting Check-List

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 Lisa - 1:1 Success Block & Energy Clearing Session (One off session)
 £ 333.00 GBP
 Jo - 1:1 Wealth Activation & Abundance Blocks Clearing Session (One off session)
 £ 333.00 GBP
 Lisa - 1:1 Abundance Queen Business Acceleration Session (One off session)
 £ 333.00 GBP
 Jo - 1:1 Wealth Activation & Income Ceiling Breakthrough Session (One off session)
 £ 333.00 GBP
 Lisa - 1:1 Abundance Queen Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support (12 Call Package)
 £ 3,597.00 GBP
 Lisa - 1:1 Abundance Queen Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support (12 Call Package) - 7 Month Payment Plan
 £ 515.00 GBP  ( then £515.00 GBP for 6 months )
 Jo - 1:1 Wealth Activation & Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support (12 Call Package)
 £ 3,597.00 GBP
 Jo - 1:1 Wealth Activation & Success Mindset Coaching & Business Strategy Support (12 Call Package) - 7 Month Payment Plan
 £ 515.00 GBP  ( then £515.00 GBP for 6 months )

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