Becoming 360 Training Blog Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back? Read this...

Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back? Read this...


Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back?

The dreaded Imposter Syndrome, it gets to all of us at some point.


That voice that whispers
"You're no good"
"You're not as good as her/him"
"You're not qualified"
"You don't know enough"

or my personal favourite...

"What if this happens? Then what will you do? You're not ready to do that...maybe in a year or 10!"

Sound familiar?

The thing is THAT voice sounds so smart and so logical - because ALL those things could be true and in fact we've probably proved them to ourselves over and over again - so of course they feel right too.

I struggled for years with Imposter Syndrome... my Graphic Design career, I would never apply for jobs in Advertising Agencies for fear of just not being good enough (despite getting a good degree - I simply never felt as accomplished as my graduate colleagues) so I settled to work for a printing company that operated out of a cow shed. my Network Marketing career, I often would shy away from bigger opportunities because I simple couldn't bring myself to speak up for myself or put myself forward, I also ended up sabotaging myself when the big money started coming in, because I just wasn't ready to accept that I was good enough for it.


When we're struggling with Imposter Syndrome a number of things can happen...

1) We will PROCRASTINATE (big time) over making decisions that require an uplevelment in our careers.

2) We will SELF-SABOTAGE ourselves by creating distractions so we don't move forward (ever get super-busy with non-essential things before you have to make take some meaningful action on your goals?)

3) Sometimes we'll manifest an injury or an illness - you may see this happen with sportsmen and women when they're just about to have the opportunity of their lives.

4) Some external 'disaster' will happen to 'prove' our uplevelment is not meant to be.

5) Someone will actually 'call you out' of not having the experience or expertise, thus humiliating you and proving that you were right to always think and feel that way (I mean that's got to be the ultimate fear hasn't it???) And yes I've totally had this happen to me in public and it feels s***!!


Well of course it's fear, but many think it's the fear of failure/rejection or simply not being good enough - and of course all of those are all present. But what is truly at the heart of this fear - is fear of our own POWER....we don't really believe we are that powerful to be at a particular level.

Here's the deal....We are DIVINE in nature which means we are part of the DIVINE....we were created in the DIVINE'S image and we have the same DIVINE power within us. The challenge is we disconnected from the Divine as soon as our EGOS came along and convinced us we were separate from the DIVINE and the full potential we have access to.

The EGO rules the roost with fear and so will create feelings of anxiety within us whenever we think about stepping up into a new level of empowermewnt, such as a career advancement or income increase.



Imposter syndrome is part of a wider set of fears and beliefs that form the very well rehearsed mantra of "I'm NOT good enough" - so fundamentally it's THAT one that has to be healed and released in order to solve IMPOSTER SYNDROME.

Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it? I mean WHERE do you start, when there's probably multiple incidences where you could PROVE you aren't good enough?


Yes I know this still seems like a lot of work, but quick 'hacks' are not going to work here if you've been sounding the horn of "I'm not good enough" for years.


1) Awareness - become aware of what and where your triggers are. For example when you buy something new for your business, like a new PC or a new vehicle, this could trigger off feelings of guilt and imposter syndrome or maybe when you think about increasing your prices or expanding your client base.

2) Meditate - one of the greatest tools you can cultivate is your intuition and meditation is where I learned how to quieten my mind enough to learn to listen to my inner wisdom and knowing. There are many courses you can do, but learning to quieten your mind by tuning into a single sound (such as white noise) is a great place to start.

3) Inner Connection - When you feel the inner resistance of Imposter Syndrome, connect within, quiten your mind and ask yourself - "Why am I feeling like this? What am I really afraid of?"

4) Why am I feel this? How does this help me? - Keep asking yourself WHY and what help/benefit it's giving you. Because with every piece of resistance we feel there is a 'secondary gain' and that is it's keeping us safe in some way. When you can understand what your sub-conscious is trying to protect you from, you can reframe the thought in order to release the fear and move into empowerment.

5) Get a Tribe that has your back - Fundamentally we're dealing with FEAR which is foundational within the ROOT CHAKRA - when we feel ungrounded we lack stability and this will mean of course we will feel uncertain and fearful to move forward. A tribe helps stabilise the ROOT CHAKRA as a Tribe will hold the space we need to re-root and grow from. Wrapping arms around us to flourish from a safe space and remind of our DIVINE power.


The reason I always advise using external help is because, we don't know what we don't know, meaning - our sub-conscious will hide stuff from us and if you're not a Coach, you might not truly know why you're sabotaging yourself and having someone look with external eyes look in an objective manner is exponentially more powerful and quicker than when doing it on our own.

Imposter Syndrome is not insurmountable - and TBH if you're not experiencing it, you're probably not challenging yourself enough. However, having the right support system in place is key so you can ensure it doesn't hold you back all your life from experiencing your true DIVINE power!

Want more help in leveraging your DIVINE Power into meaningful and a spirtually and financially prosperous business and career? Check out our Becoming 360 ELITE Soul Aligned Business Success Membership here


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