Becoming 360 Training Blog How to manifest more money (and whatever else you want!)

How to manifest more money (and whatever else you want!)



As Money Mindset Coaches - we get people who speak to us all the time about 'feeling stuck' and 'feeling afraid' when it comes to their money situations. It is probably the most common problem that we coach and mentor on, because the truth is, if we had a social media status when it comes to our relationship with money it would read 'complicated' - because it is just that!!

The ONE thing most people want to know is HOW CAN I MANIFEST MORE MONEY???

And then we go to work teaching them the simple steps to manifesting. Now just because these steps are simple, not all are a once-and-done deal, the key parts for manifesting is AWARENESS of where you are in relationship to your manifestation and you can do that by checking in on how you're feeling.

Let's get into it....

1) RAISE YOUR VIBES - Feel good all the feel good things to make you feel amazing!

Why is this step 1? Because you cannot manifest easily from a space of fear and desperation - you have to manifest from a space of joy.

What brings you joy? Do that. This also gets you away from STRUGGLE which is also the energy of resistance when it comes to money.

BIG HINT: Appreciation for what you already have is a REALLY GREAT VIBE BOOSTER

2) GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT - clarity is key when it comes to taking aligned action. This is something we teach all the time, it is how people can dig deep into their desires and really know what they want and why they want it.

Without CLARITY you can easily get distracted with 'shiny object syndrome' - when you know what you want and why you want it, decisions and actions are easy because you know exactly what needs to be done to move you forward to wards your goal

3) CLEAR THE RESISTANCE - this is probably the biggest part of the process for most people is to get rid of the limiting money beliefs blocking them from attracting what they want.

There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to belief busting - however, using a combination of methods can get the job done.

The simplest way is to get the beliefs you're consciously aware of onto a piece of paper, I like to call it a mind dump.

Use your feelings as a guide, when you think about money, ask yourself "what am I feeling?" - this will help you to understand what those feelings are telling you.

Splurge those beliefs down, now that won't necessarily get rid of them, however, returning to the theme of clarity, once you know what beliefs are there, awareness can create a lot of power within you as you consciously start questioning where these beliefs have come from.

BELIEF BUSTING is an on-going process and often beliefs can be hidden from us, which is why working with a Coach is useful to help shine a light on them. At Becoming 360 we have a unique combination of processes we use to help people shift from scarcity into abundance.

4) TAKE ALIGNED ACTION TOWARDS YOUR GOALS - keep moving forward, you are a co-creator with the Universe, therefore you have to play your part too.

The difference between just taking action and taking aligned action is in how you feel.

If it feels like struggle - then it could be you have some more BELIEF BUSTING to do as the 'struggle' piece is your resistance showing up.

If you notice yourself PROCRASTINATING - go back to BELIEF BUSTING

If you feel ANXIOUS - go back to BELIEF BUSTING 

If you're self-sabotaging in other ways - go back to BELIEF BUSTING 

If it feels light, exciting and joyful......keep doing it!

5) TRUST & SURRENDER - maybe one of the hardest steps because many of us are CONTROL FREAKS - we want to know what, when, how and where our manifestation is going to happen.

We even do deals with the Universe demanding how our money will manifest - "I want an extra £1000 from 20 new clients by 15th of the month" - the thing is, the Universe doesn't operate to order, co-creating with the Universe is fun, but you have to relinquish control because there are hundreds and thousands of moving parts here.

Now, sometimes things can move fast, but often when we have a lot of resistance and we're trying really, really hard to manifest - it takes longer, because we're focused on the NOT HAVING IT YET feeling instead of the HAVING IT feeling.

You have to LET GO of the HOW because, your HOW might not be the Universe's HOW - she may have completely different plans for how she's going to deliver the goods - which is for yours and everyone else's highest good.

HOW DO YOU LET GO? It looks, feels and sounds different for each person tbh but one of the best ways is to distract yourself doing something that you love.

Go and play
Lose yourself in something joyful

Just GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD on HOW - and when you feel that tension rising about the HOW, then remind yourself that you don't have to control anything - and isn't it great that the highest force of energy there is, that is LOVE, is working in your best interests to deliver everything you desire for the highest good of the planet?

Instead of demanding on the exact HOW of something be flexible....

"Thank you Universe for the extra £1000 that is landing in my bank account in both known and unknown ways for the highest good of all and so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


Manifest more by letting go and loving your life :-)

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