Becoming 360 Training Blog How to go from scarcity and fear to joy, abundance and freedom

How to go from scarcity and fear to joy, abundance and freedom


How to go from scacity and fear to joy, abundance and freedom.

Most people that I speak to in business are struggling with what I call 'scarcity paralysis' they are so fixated on the expectation of certain scenarios to play out in the way that they've played out previously that they get very scared and in fact paralysed about doing anything different with their money.

They've rendered themselves immobilised because within their nervous system is 'terror' that they won't be able to survive - basic 101 Survival fear all within their Root Chakra.

This comes from a number of different reasons but let's start with the one that is most common, early family money programming.

This is the usual scenario:

We were taught that you work hard at school > get good grades > go to college or University > get a job or start a business > get a house and a car > have a family > and try and keep all of it together financially whilst managing spiralling costs of everything! Let alone times when you've had to take time off for maternity leave or illness!

The thing is THIS money system doesn't work, but it's what we've been programmed to believe and it's what's culturally we're taught and our parents were taught ie: YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR MONEY and this is wired into our nervous system that we have to always be in fear around money, because there is never enough! The challenge is IF we stop working hard, we worry we'll lose it altogether - in fact there may have been times in the past when you have decided to change course, start a business or change jobs and you financially dipped and that's scared the s*** out of you and you've been in 'money protection mode' ever since!

The thing is THAT statement that has been running within your subconscious most of your life has probably never been questioned, because it was the 'truth' you grew up with and you've been programmed to expect that as the truth, and of course it always get validated - but we can choose to start looking, thinking and feeling about it in a different way

Soooo what's the alternative? Firstly consider downloading my Free Ebook: The Divine Abundance Flow Method - 5 Steps to Manifesting More Money Here

Secondly - let's look at how you can start to FEEL better about your money and start clearing the fear...

Step 1: Understand that this is a primal fear from your ancestors right in your Root Chakra, it's the fear of scarcity of food, shelter and basic needs

Step 2: Start listing all the resources you have available to you if the s*** hit the fan, and I'm talking ways to make money, family, friends and other people who could help support you temporarily - this is how you can start feeling better at a ROOT Chakra level as survival is very closely linked with having a tribe around us.

Step 3: List all the ways you've always been OK no matter what has happened to you - this can demonstrate no matter what how the Universe has your back and how resilient you are too

Step 4: Feel into ABUNDANCE daily by being grateful for all the things you have in your life, including all the money you currently have, have ever had and will have in the future.

The feeling of fear is a HABIT that the nervous system picks up as a stress response in order to keep us safe, but we can also rewire this stress response to ease and faith too. It's not an overnight fix as it's been wired in for years - but as you create the awareness of where and when you feel fear, and most importantly WHY you feel it and if what you're telling yourself is even true, you can start on your road to financial recovery and into joy, freedom and abundance.

So much love



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