Becoming 360 Training Blog 5 Ways To Save Time To Make More Money Without Losing Your Head

5 Ways To Save Time To Make More Money Without Losing Your Head


5 Ways To Save Time To Make More Money Without Losing Your Head

So you want to make more money?
You want to feel like you’re gaining on the endless stream of bills and rising costs?
You live in fear of the car or washing machine breaking down because you just don’t know how you’ll pay for it?
You want to get your business really moving but you're already stretched to full capacity?

One of the biggest reasons I get from people when asked if they want to make more money is.... “I don’t have time” and that’s it... end of discussion and tbh people wear it a bit like a badge of honour - because we are taught to work hard and to give yourself no time means having a great work ethic (so we continue the myth of having to work hard for money)

I get it, we’re all busy we all clutter our lives with way too much to do and life has increased in pace, we have so much information thrown at us it is hard to keep up and not feel utterly overwhelmed.

So it’s understandable when someone offers you a way to get off the hamster wheel of endless bills and debt you say “I just don’t have the time” because the thought of taking on just ONE more thing would be the straw that breaks the camel’s back!

Here are FIVE TIPS on how you can create more time to start earning more income and gave yourself the gift of time and life freedom...

1) Connect with your mission, your meaningful reason WHY, this is key because without understanding your vision for the future which pulls you like a magnet, you’ll not put the work or commitment into your intentions - you have will not find the time in the nooks and crannies of your day, because you don't FEEL it, it's easy to say "I don't have the time" when you really don't feel inspired about what you're doing. So connect internally with your flame of inspiration.

2) Sell what you know, you've mastered it, you own it, soooo why can't you sell that to others? What's stopping you? Until you master the art of residual income you will always exchange your time for money which means you will never have enough time to do the things you want to do.

So one of the quickest ways to get off that treadmill, is create something of value to people, market it and sell it - that way you're creating something once but selling it multiple times over.

There are soooo many things that you can create that other people value. Cheat sheets, hack lists, schedules etc

3) Give up distractions like mind numbing TV programmes. Now I know we all love to unwind and be entertained but with channels like Netflix available it really doesn’t mean you have to watch the Soaps at 7pm - you can choose your entertainment times - but think about this, just one hour a day which you’re watching TV is 7 hours per week - I’ve known people to grow global empires on less (not kidding either!)

4) Enrol help - so this could be from your partner, your kids or your friends, if your WHY is truly big enough and important enough ASK FOR HELP - just one more person means you’ve doubled your potential work hours. One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is to ask for help as it means admitting vulnerability (oh yes you're not a one-person army) and also giving up control, which are both fear-based feelings, when you recognise that you're trying to keep a tight grip on everything, to feel safe and also protecting yourself from expanding your business (because it means more work and less time) you can find a way to recruit help in on your terms.

5) Focus and stop multi-tasking - just a focused 15 mins can produce wonders if you’ll just stop yourself getting distracted by text and social media notifications! Set a timer for 15 mins and do not let yourself stop with the task in hand until your 15 mins is completed. Even if you get the impulse to answer a message or get diverted .. stay on task, you’ll get much more productive this way. Scientifically your brain cannot cope with more than one task at once (whatever you believe about women being able to multi-task) they cannot, the brain is actually switching back and forth really fast but each time it does it takes time to reset so actually the tasks take longer than if you'd just done one thing at one time.

Creating the time to make more money means working smartly and consistently on what is the most important tasks in your life and business in order to accomplish what you want. Start today....what could you do straight away to start making a difference?

So much love



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